Multimorbidity Patterns in Hospitalized Older Patients: Associations among Chronic Diseases and Geriatric Syndromes

Background/Objectives The clinical status of older individuals with multimorbidity can be further complicated by concomitant geriatric syndromes. This study explores multimorbidity patterns, encompassing both chronic diseases and geriatric syndromes, in geriatric patients attended in an acute hospital setting. Design Retrospective observational study. Setting Unit of Social and Clinical Assessment (UVSS), Miguel Servet University Hospital (HUMS), Zaragoza (Spain). Year, 2011

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Interesante colaboración del grupo de Alexandra Prados-Torres con Niko Martinez y Gabor Abellan aunque la selección y definición de síndromes geriátrcios resulte controvertid

See on Scoop.itComprehensive Geriatric Assessment

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