Using interRAI Assessment for Research: Developing a National Research Agenda in Aotearoa New Zealand

interRAI provides a suite of standardized, validated instruments used to assess health
and psychosocial well-being, and to inform person-centered care planning. Data obtained
from these standardized tools can also be used at a population level for research
and to inform policy, and interRAI is currently used in more than 40 countries globally.
We present a brief overview of the use of interRAI internationally within research
and policy settings, and then introduce how interRAI is used within the universal
public health system in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ), including considerations relating
to Māori, the Indigenous people of NZ.

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interRAI New Zealand – Residential Aged Care Case Study, May 2024

Gabrielle Stent presents a case study of how a small, aged care facility provider in New Zealand adopted interRAI as their whole assessment system in addition to using it for their government reporting requirements. They use the system to report on vitals and weight, active and recent wounds, falls and infection tracking.

About: Gabrielle Stent is an interRAI Principal Advisor, New Zealand at Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand.

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inteRAI NZ Interview Dec 2023

Check out this insightful podcast featuring Prof. Len Gray from interRAI Australia in conversation with Gabrielle Stent from interRAI New Zealand. They delve into the fascinating journey of implementing interRAI in New Zealand, a pivotal step within Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand

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Deprescribing Interventions for Older Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Deprescribing reduces polypharmacy in older adults. A thorough study of the effect of deprescribing interventions on clinical outcomes in older adults is presently lacking. As a result, we evaluated the impact of deprescribing on clinical outcomes in older patients.

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A Tale of 2 Assessments: Concordance Across the Minimum Data Set and Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Assessments in Recording Mental Health Diagnoses

There is growing acknowledgement that the proportion of adults with serious mental illness (SMI) in nursing homes (NHs) is increasing. SMI refers to a group of mental health conditions that result in serious functional impairment or limit participation in 1 or more major life activities.1-3 At present, there are 2 federally mandated tools that capture this information: the preadmission screening and resident review
program (PASRR) and minimum data set (MDS). PASRR is a 2-step assessment completed prior to NH admission with the intent of preventing inappropriate institutionalization, whereas the MDS is a comprehensive clinical assessment of functional capacity and
medical needs measured at admission, discharge, and periodically throughout one’s stay.

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Home Oxygen Therapy for Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Interstitial Lung Disease | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | JAMA | JAMA Network

This JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis summarizes the clinical practice guideline from the American Thoracic Society (ATS) regarding the home use of oxygen for adults with COPD and interstitial lung disease.

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Changes in home care clients’ characteristics and home care in five European countries from 2001 to 2014: comparison based on InterRAI – Home Care data

Older people in several European countries remain living in their own homes despite deteriorating physical and cognitive skills. Home care services to this group have increased. This indicates that the government policy of long-term residence at own home among older people, even in increased frailty …

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Publicado en | Comentarios desactivados en Changes in home care clients’ characteristics and home care in five European countries from 2001 to 2014: comparison based on InterRAI – Home Care data

Pulmonary Rehabilitation in 2021

Pulmonary Rehabilitation in 2021

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Performance of the Cognitive Performance Scale of the Resident Assessment Instrument (interRAI) for Detecting Dementia amongst Older Adults in the Community

The Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) in the widely used interRAI suite of instruments is of interest to clinicians and policy makers as a potential screening mechanism for detecting dementia. However, there has been little evaluation of the CPS in home care settings. This retrospective diagnostic s …

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Publicado en | Comentarios desactivados en Performance of the Cognitive Performance Scale of the Resident Assessment Instrument (interRAI) for Detecting Dementia amongst Older Adults in the Community

Linking the Scores of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment 5-min and the interRAI Cognitive Performance Scale in Older Adults With Mild Physical or Cognitive Impairment

Background: Bridging scores generated from different cognitive assessment tools is necessary to efficiently track changes in cognition across the continuum of care. This study linked scores from the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-5 min (MoCA 5-min) to the interRAI cognitive Performance Scale (

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Publicado en | Comentarios desactivados en Linking the Scores of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment 5-min and the interRAI Cognitive Performance Scale in Older Adults With Mild Physical or Cognitive Impairment